Wednesday, July 03, 2013

"Even if you look at your phone..."

I received this today from

EVEN IF YOU LOOK AT THE PHONE…: Many may have the habit of picking up their cell phone from time-to-time--even if they do not have a specific reason to. Perhaps somebody called, perhaps somebody texted….May we suggest that as part of the process of training to fight one’s Yetzer Hara, he fight the urge to pick up the cell phone, unless there is a real need to do so. If one has already picked it up, let him not open the email, or the text for five minutes--even if it turns out that he has received one. Every morning in the last of the Birkos HaShachar we daven to Hashem that He assist us with our Yetzer Hara using the following words: “Vechof Es Yitzreinu Lehishtabed Lach--and humble our Yetzer Hara to be subservient to You.” If we sincerely mean these words, we too must take some basic steps in our everyday life to bring down the Yetzer Hara as well. Everyone in his personal life may have simple and practical examples in his daily experience in which he can quash his Yetzer Hara and take control of his actions--whether they be large or small (is anything small?)!

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